Francis Nunes Jr meets Best In The West 2024

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We're making some changes!!
In the past few years September hasn't always worked out, and so we've decided to try something new by combining the two year end tournaments into one grand event. Francis Nunes Jr. Tournament meets the Best in the West!! All local and foreign teams are welcome!!
Date: October 19th, 2024
Venue: Falmouth Harbour Marina
Registration fee: $500.00
Leave from any port
Lines in @ 6am
Lines out @ 3pm
Weigh in Closes at 4:30pm
Prize breakdown is as follows:
Largest Tuna - $1,000 prize & a trophy  
Largest Kingfish - $1,000 prize & a trophy
Largest Dolphin - $1,000 prize & a trophy
Largest Wahoo - $2,000 prize & a trophy
Largest Fish by a Youth - Trophy
Largest Fish by a Female - Trophy
Largest Fish by a Male - Trophy
Youngest Angler to catch a fish - Trophy
Champion Boat 25ft & Under - Trophy
Champion Boat - Trophy
Any fish taken to the weigh scale must be donated to ASF so that it can be sold to the general public to offset tournament expenses. With the bulk of the entrance fees going towards the Cash prizes, this is the only way for ASF to offset its expenses.