How to Register - Comment vous Enregistrer

All boats entered are NOT required to be at Falmouth Harbour Marina from the previous day. Instead boats can leave from their home port on the tournament day. All boats MUST be registered by 6pm on Friday October 18th and registration fee's paid in full. Contact Phillip Shoul or Robert Hall for payment. 

EC$500.00, minimum 4 rods, maximum 6 rods


  • Lines in  - 6.00 am .

  • Lines Out - 3.00 pm

Weigh-in closes at 4.30 pm

Prize Giving 6:00 pm, with Live Band at 6:30pm

Prize breakdown is as follows:
$1,000 prize & a trophy for Largest Tuna 
$1,000 prize & a trophy towards Largest Kingfish
$1,000 prize & a trophy towards Largest Dolphin
$2,000 prize & a trophy towards Largest Wahoo.
Largest Fish by a Youth - Trophy
Largest Fish by a Female - Trophy
Largest Fish by a Male - Trophy
Youngest Angler to catch a fish - Trophy
Champion Boat 25ft & Under - Trophy
Champion Boat - Trophy


All other Antigua and Barbuda Sport Fishing Rules apply. Please note, any fish brought to the scale for this tournament belongs to the Antigua and Barbuda Sport Fishing Club, regarless if it meets the minimum weight or not. Funds generated from selling the fish are used for the running costs of the tournament. All other tournament rules apply.

GAS and DIESEL will be NOT BE available from SLIPWAY due to Summer Closure.

DIESEL will be available at Falmouth Harbour Marina.





  • To be eligible to participate in the tournament, each entrant must have completed an entry form and paid all dues not later than the date & time set on the entry form, and must agree to abide by tournament rules.

  • All catch and release must be submitted with photographic proof recorded on a digital camera and handed to the Control Center booth on arrival at the dock.

  • The Official tournament Headquarters and Weighing in station will be the place designated on the entry form

  • Boats can depart from Nelson's Dockyard only.

  • The angler must set the hook and bring the fish to gaff unaided: However, assistance in moving the rod from the gunnel holder to the fighting chair is permitted.

  • The entrant of the boat or someone so delegated will be responsible to ensure that these rules are enforced under pain of disqualification from the tournament.

  • It shall be the responsibility of the Judges Committee to adjudicate the written rules and to make necessary decisions where the situation has not been anticipated by the written rules. The Decision of the Judges committee is Final.

  • All fish caught will be weighed and recorded on arrival at the designated Weighing-in-Station by an appointed Judge of Scales and duly witnessed by the entrant or his delegate.

  • Any boat in distress must fly a Red Flag.

  • All boats Must Have VHF radio and standby and monitor on channel 06

  • The judges have the right to inspect boat and gear at any time.

  • Marlin boarded must be brought to the scales

  • The official sponsors of the Antigua and Barbuda Sport Fishing Tournament are listed on the brochure. No other competing sponsors by participating boats will be allowed in the tournament. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in disqualification.


  • Hand lines are prohibited.

  • No lines in excess of 80 lbs. are permitted.

  • Not more than two hooks are permitted, per line.

  • Gang hooks are permitted only on plugs and artificial lures.

  • Artificial and any other baits are permitted.

  • Power driven reels are prohibited.

  • Ratchet handle reels are prohibited.

  • Reels designed for cranking with both hands are prohibited.

  • Harpooning, lancing or shooting to assist in boating of fish is prohibited.


  • Harnesses may be used, and may be replaced or adjusted by another person.

  • One or more gaffers are permitted to boat a fish.


  • Failure to comply with rules and other regulations.

  • Acts of person other than the angler in adjusting the reel drag or touching any part of the rod, line or reel during the fighting of fish.

  • A rod breaks while fighting a fish.

  • Mutilation of fish caused by propeller, attacks of other fish, shooting and Harpooning.

  • No fish under 10 lbs will be recognised.

  • Jigging & Drift Fishing Prohibited.



All participants are expected to maintain a reasonable and sportsmanlike demeanor at all times throughout the tournament. Unsportsmanlike or threatening conduct towards tournament organizers or other participants, or any other behavior which the tournament organizers deem inappropriate, in their sole discretion, will result in immediate disqualification of the entire team with no refund of entry fees.



Participants may lodge protests against any catch which they believe was not made in accordance with these rules. All protests must be stated in writing and accompanied by EC$100. The tournament judges may call a protest hearing in their discretion; a protest hearing is not guaranteed. All protests will be settled on the day of the incident unless the tournament judges feel more time is necessary. All protests must be in the hands of the tournament's designated rules official by 7 p.m. on the day of the alleged incident unless there is a protest regarding a fish that comes to the scales late. The protesting party, as well as the accused team members, captain and crew, must be present at any official protest hearing. The tournament committee may refuse to consider any protest evidence not submitted at the protest hearing in the presence of the protested team. If the protesting or protested team fails to show up for the protest hearing, that team forfeits its right to submit evidence. Decisions of the tournament organizers with regard to protests are final, non-appealable, and non-justiciable.



  • A base radio will be in operation, called ASF Radio on Channel  06. All boats must report their departure-location-strikes and types of fish to ASF Radio.

  • It is the responsibility of each boat to have adequate Safety Equipment on board.



It is expressly understood that all participants in the Tournament enter at their own risk. By registering as an angler in the Tournament the angler holds harmless the A.S.F.A., its officers, its donors, sponsors and all persons connected directly or indirectly with the operation of the Tournament from any liability for libel, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm, injury or death suffered by any participant, entrant, sport fisherman, their company, boat captain, crew member, vessel and equipment which may occur during or in conjunction with the Tournament.


Review the registration list below to see if your team has already been registered. If your team is NOT listed, click on "Register a New Team" and fill out the registration form.
